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The time allowed for selection is also limited since your placement must be determined prior to the end of the fall semester of your senior year. The matter of knowing about the choices is very much your responsibility, and it is also a fact that the selection, once made must be lived with unless the circumstances are exceptional. In order to make a good choice, there are three basic questions that must be addressed: What will I being doing at this practicum site? Is it a good fit for me? Am I able to be placed there? In order to aid you in the process of selecting a placement, it is important to provide me with some information. Please respond to the following as part of your fieldwork application: I. Rank (with #1 being first) four different kinds (or areas) of social work services that most interest you at this time. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Self-Awareness: Developing self-awareness is part of the process of developing as a professional social worker. Understanding yourself, your personal and social resources, will help you begin to recognize those practicum settings where you can best work. 1. If you were to describe yourself to someone else, what characteristics would you be sure to include? Why? 2. If people who know you quite well were to describe you, what characteristics would they include? Why? 3. Is there a difference in the two lists of characteristics (1 and 2)? How do you account for that difference? 4. Rate your comfort level (1 being least comfortable, 4 being most comfortable) in relating to others who are: Least Most Comfortable Comfortable Of the opposite gender 1 2 3 4 Physically disabled 1 2 3 4 Developmentally disabled 1 2 3 4 A visible minority or whose ethnic background differs from yours 1 2 3 4 Of sexual orientation which differs from yours 1 2 3 4 5. Comment on your comfort level with people who are different from you and how this might affect your choice of a practicum setting. 6. Considering your value system, what situations or types of clients might create a value conflict for you? 7. Considering your personal history, what situations or types of clients do you feel you could overidentify with? Why? 8. How might possible overidentifiction affect your choice of a practicum? Would your personal history make you more or less suitable for certain practicum settings or certain populations? Why or why not? III. Self-Profile: Organizing personal descriptive information is another step in the selection and preparation process for the kind of practicum setting and problem areas you wish to work with. 1. Ethnic background: 2. Languages spoken: 3. Describe your primary personal characteristics, or personal style: 4. Describe your personal strengths or qualities that contribute to your ability as a professional social worker: 5. Describe your personal qualities that may detract from your ability as a professional social worker: 6. Describe how much structure you need to work effectively—a great deal, some, or very little: 7. Describe how important the various methods of learning are to you such as doing, thinking, reading, listening, or observing: 8. Describe your speaking and writing abilities: 9. Describe your organizational ability: 10. Describe any additional abilities that you believe are important to include in your profile: $%IJcg™  Ŗ ­ $(BYLM¢ŗĘ«¬ļąļąŃĮѵффŃĮљљŃĮѕh½N®h½N®CJOJQJaJhn(Öh½N®6CJOJQJaJh)Q²CJOJQJaJhn(Öh½N®>*CJOJQJaJhn(Öh½N®CJOJQJaJhOGh½N®CJOJQJaJhOGh½N®5CJOJQJaJ%JK  æ Ą < = A B F G K L P ćÄæŗæææŖ „h„üž^„h`„üžgd½N®$„h„üž^„h`„üža$gd½N®gd)Q²gd½N®$ Ę& X(ųČ ˜ h8ŲØxH!dąa$gd½N®$ Ę& X(ųČ ˜ h8ŲØxH!a$gd½N®¬żP Q R Y Z Č É Ź Ė Ģ Ķ 89:;<=>?@ABCņņāņŅņņņņņĀņņņņņņņņņņņ$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N®$„Š„˜ž^„Š`„˜ža$gd½N®$„h„˜ž^„h`„˜ža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®CDE¶·ø¹ŗ»¼½¾æĄĮĀĆ3@ZņņāņņņņņņņņņņņņŅāĄĄ Ę° „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®$„h„˜ž^„h`„˜ža$gd½N®$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®Zz|™›½æć  1EFGIŲŁŚŪēŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŵ­µ­ÅØÅgd½N®$a$gd½N®$„h„˜ž^„h`„˜ža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N® Ę°€P „Š„0ż^„Š`„0żgd½N® Ę°€P „Š„0żdh^„Š`„0żgd½N®ŪÜŻŽßąįāćQRSTUVWXYZ[\ÕÖ×ņņāāāāāāāņŻņņņņņņņņĶāŻņ$„h„˜ž^„h`„˜ža$gd½N®gd½N®$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®×ŲŁŚŪÜŻŽßąÆ°±²³“µyz‘’“ņņņņņņāāāŅņŹŹŹŹŹŹņ½ņņņ „h„čž^„h`„čžgd½N®$a$gd½N®$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N®$„h„˜ž^„h`„˜ža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®“”•–—˜­®Æ°±²³“µūüżž’vņņņņņåņņņņņņņņåņņņņņņņÕÕ$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N® „h„čž^„h`„čžgd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®vwxyz{|}~ēčéźėģķMNOPQRSTUVņņņņņņņņāņŻāāāāāņņņņņņņŻņgd½N®$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®VÖ×ŲŁŚŪÜŻŽßBCDEļāāāāŻāāāāŠāāāāāāŻāāŠāāā „h„čž^„h`„čžgd½N®gd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®$„h„čž^„h`„čža$gd½N®EFGHIJ«¬ņņņķķņėgd½N® „h„˜ž^„h`„˜žgd½N®,1h°Š/ °ą=!°"°# $ %°°Š°Š Š†œD@ń’D ½N®NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH DA@ņ’”D Default Paragraph FontRi@ó’³R  Table Normalö4Ö l4Öaö (k@ō’Į(No List¬0’’’’%JKæĄ<=ABFGKLPQRYZČÉŹĖĢĶ89:;<=>?@ABCDE¶·ø¹ŗ»¼½¾æĄĮĀĆ3@Zz|™›½æć  1EFGIŲŁŚŪÜŻŽßąįāćQ R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ Õ Ö × Ų Ł Ś Ū Ü Ż Ž ß ą Æ ° ± ² ³ “ µ y z  ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ­ ® Æ ° ± ² ³ “ µ ū ü ż ž ’    v w x y z { | } ~ ē č é ź ė ģ ķ M N O P Q R S T U V Ö × Ų Ł Ś Ū Ü Ż Ž ß BCDEFGHIJ«®˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€%JKæĄ<=ABFGKLPQRYZČÉŹĖĢĶ89:;<=>?@ABCDE¶·ø¹ŗ»¼½¾æĄĮĀĆ3@Zz|™›½æć  1EFGIŲŁŚŪÜŻŽßąįāćQ R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ Õ Ö × Ų Ł Ś Ū Ü Ż Ž ß ą Æ ° ± ² ³ “ µ y z  ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ­ ® Æ ° ± ² ³ “ µ ū ü ż ž ’    v w x y z { | } ~ ē č é ź ė ģ ķ M N O P Q R S T U V Ö × Ų Ł Ś Ū Ü Ż Ž ß BCDEFGHIJ«®h‹0h‹0h‹0hĖ0€h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0h‹0dĻÄ ˜ĻȬ P CZŪדvVE¬ ¬š8š@ń’’’€€€÷š’šš0š( š ššB šS šæĖ’ ?š’’«f ¬³#¬f $LC­f d:C ®®9*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€place€=*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags €PlaceType€=*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags €PlaceName€ ¤ł9¼ Č ö  ®ÖŪäī26¢¦“ » ®33333®ü#č'å½N®)Q²’@€š.@¬P@’’Unknown’’’’’’’’’’’’G‡z €’Times New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €’Arial5& ‡za€’TahomaS PalatinoBook Antiqua"qˆšŠhĖzØF—{ØF0| 0| $š„Ą““24d„„2ƒqšHX)š’?ä’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’½N®2’’$Skidmore College Social Work Program SkidmoreUser SkidmoreUserž’ą…ŸņłOh«‘+'³Ł0 ˜ČŌģų 0< \ h t€ˆ˜ä(³Ō¹Ļ±¬ĮĻ College Social Work Program³Ō¹Ļ±¬ĮĻUser Normal.dot³Ō¹Ļ±¬ĮĻUser2Microsoft Office Word@Œ†G@Ś*}ĄĘ@ZŸÖ—ĄĘ0| ž’ÕĶ՜.“—+,ł®0 hpŒ”œ¤ ¬“¼Ä Ģ żä³Ō¹Ļ±¬ĮĻ College„Ø %³Ō¹Ļ±¬ĮĻ College Social Work Program Title ž’’’ ž’’’"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ž’’’BCDEFGHž’’’JKLMNOPž’’’ż’’’Sž’’’ž’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄF bģŁ—ĄĘU€Data ’’’’’’’’’’’’1Table’’’’! 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