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Quote Snippet

The Quote Snippet was created to allow content users to add quotes to their stories and web pages. The quote is a standard snippet within OU Campus that uses a table transformation for easy entry. These instructions assume you have basic knowledge of OU Campus and know how to edit a page.

To Add a Quote

1. Go to the page you wish to add it to, check out the page and go into the edit mode.

2. Place your cursor between two paragraphs of where you want to place the quote. Even if you want to float the quote to the left or right of a specific paragraph, make sure your cursor is on a line of it's own above that paragraph. Find the snippets icon snippet button in the editor and click on it.

3. Find the "Quote" Snippet and press the blue "Insert" button.

4. Highlight the filler text and type the quote you'd like to add. Do the same for the person you are referencing.

5. Once you are finished you can save your work and go to the Preview tab in OU Campus. If you have any questions about how to use this snippet, please see a member of the Web Team.


Example of a Full-Width Quote (Default)

Pellentesque ac ullamcorper velit. Sed mollis, lectus vel porta vulputate, erat dolor egestas diam, in lacinia mi nisi eget tortor. Quisque metus nunc, euismod sed nulla a, auctor sollicitudin velit. Pellentesque non nibh accumsan, maximus tortor nec, euismod lacus. Nullam risus massa, ullamcorper porta tempus fermentum, ullamcorper vitae velit.
maximus tortor


Add a Quote that isn't full-width

You will notice that the quote is, by default, set to full-width. It will take the entire line on your page. If the quote is short and you would like to have the quote take only a part of the width, (i.e. 1/2 of the width), you can use a column snippet. Column options are broken into 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, or a custom width that can float either left or right.

Example of a Quote within a Floating Column

Cam sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Nam feugiat cursus magna, in elementum felis pharetra id. Quisque gravida, justo nec pellentesque consectetur, sem quam bibendum nunc, sed viverra leo quam vel neque. Quisque in leo id lorem lacinia congue. Sed accumsan pulvinar quam, ut ornare velit suscipit ut.

Duis consequat neque dolor, id eleifend enim auctor id. Duis sollicitudin interdum lorem, id aliquam elit sodales eu. Donec scelerisque commodo eros et lacinia. Phasellus tristique orci quis ultrices venenatis. Morbi placerat, arcu at mollis pharetra, nibh nunc mollis leo, vitae cursus sapien lorem at turpis.

Suspendisse rutrum erat felis, ac ullamcorper mauris laoreet sit amet. In quis tellus at nunc pretium commodo vel sit amet orci. Curabitur feugiat dui interdum ante vehicula, eu vulputate magna consequat. Vestibulum eget nunc ex. Mauris a neque leo. Ut sed ex at nibh accumsan posuere. Vivamus sed neque egestas magna commodo auctor. Pellentesque dictum orci at arcu sodales, eu vulputate erat sagittis.


Last Updated: 12/5/2017