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Biology Department

*Indicates Թϱ Student or Alumnus

Student Co-Authored Publications

  • Breves JP, Runiewicz ER*, Richardson SG*, Bradley SE*, Hall DJ, McCormick SD. 2024. Transcriptional regulation of esophageal, intestinal, and branchial solute transporters by salinity, growth hormone, and cortisol in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 341: 107-117.
  • LLabre JE, Gil C*, Amatya N*, Lagalwar S, Possidente B, Vashishth D. (2022) Degradation of Bone Quality in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.  
  • Domozych DS, Bagdan K*. 2022. The cell biology of charophytes: exploring the past and models for the future. Plant Physiology kiac390.
  • Breves JP, McKay IS*, Koltenyuk V*, Nelson NN*, Lema SC, McCormick SD. 2022. Na+/HCO3- cotransporter 1 (nbce1) isoform gene expression during smoltification and seawater acclimation of Atlantic salmon. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 192: 577-592.
  • Breves JP, Puterbaugh KM*, Bradley SE*, Hageman AE*, Verspyck AJ*, Shaw LH*, Danielson EC*, Hou Y. 2022. Molecular targets of prolactin in mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus): ion transporters/channels, aquaporins, and claudins. General and Comparative Endocrinology 325: 114051.
  • Breves JP, Nelson, NN*, Koltenyuk V*, Petro-Sakuma CK, Celino-Brady FT, Seale AP. 2021. Enhanced expression of ncc1 and clc2c in the kidney and urinary bladder accompanies freshwater acclimation in Mozambique tilapia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 260: 111021.
  • Palacio-Lopez K, Sun L, Reed R*, Kang E*, Sørensen I, Rose JKC, Domozych DS. 2020. Experimental manipulation of pectin architecture in the cell wall of the unicellular charophyte, Penium margaritaceumFrontiers in Plant Science 11: 1032.
  • Domozych DS, Sun L, Palacio-Lopez K, Reed R*, Jeon S*, Li M*, Jiao C, Sørensen I, Fei Z,  Rose, JKC. 2020. Endomembrane architecture and dynamics during secretion of the extracellular matrix of the unicellular charophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(11): 3323-3339.
  • Jiao C, Sørensen I, Sun X, Behar H*, Alseekh S, Philippe G, Fernie AR, Brumer H, Domozych DS, Fei Z, Rose, JKC. 2020. The genome of the charophyte alga Penium margaritaceum bears footprints of terrestrialization and preludes the evolutionary origins of land plants. Cell 181: 1-15.
  • Breves JP, Popp EE*, Rothenberg EF*, Rosenstein CW*, Maffett KM*, Guertin RR*. 2020. Osmoregulatory actions of prolactin in the gastrointestinal tract of fishes. General and Comparative Endocrinology 298: 113589. 
  • Breves JP, Springer-Miller RH*, Chenoweth DA*, Paskavitz AL*, Chang AYH*, Regish AM, Einarsdottir IE, Björnsson BT, McCormick SD. 2020. Cortisol regulates insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) gene expression in Atlantic salmon parr. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 518: 110989. 
  • Domozych DS, Sun L, Palacio-Lopez K, Reed R*, Jeon S, Li M*, Jiao C, Sørensen I, Fei Z, Rose J KC (2020) Endomembrane architecture and dynamics during secretion of the extracellular matrix of the unicellular charophyte, Penium margaritaceum, Journal of Experimental Botany,  eraa039, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa039.
  • Breves JP, Starling JA, Popovski CM*, Doud JM*, Tipsmark CK. (2020) Salinity-dependent expression of ncc2 in opercular epithelium and gill of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 190: 219-230. 
  • Hou, Yubo,  Ji N, Zhang H, Shi X, Han H*, and Lin S.  "Genome size‐dependent PCNA gene copy number in dinoflagellates and molecular evidence of retroposition as a major evolutionary mechanism." Journal of phycology 55, no. 1 (2019): 37-46.
  • Kohiyama M*, Bonser D, Leung L*, Fall A*, Canada N*, Qu B, Ahmad S, Possidente B (2018) The Drosophila apterous56f mutation impairs circadian locomotor activity. Biol Rhythm Res, 46:275-285.
  • Breves JP, Keith PLK*, Hunt BL*, Pavlosky KK, Inokuchi M, Yamaguchi Y, Lerner DT, Seale AP, Grau EG. (2017) clc-2c is regulated by salinity, prolactin and extracellular osmolality in tilapia gill. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 59(5): 1-12.  
  • Freeman-Gallant CR & Taff CC*. (2017) Age-specific patterns of infection with haemosporidians and trypanosomes in a warbler – implications for sexual selection. Oecologia.
  • Taff CC* & Freeman-Gallant CR. (2017) Sexual signals reflect telomere dynamics in a wild bird.  Ecology and Evolution 7:3436–3442.
  • Taff CC* & Freeman-Gallant CR. (2016) Experimental tests of the function and flexibility of song consistency in a wild bird. Ethology 122: 1-10.
  • Domozych DS, Lietz A*, Patten M*, Singer E*, Tinaz B*, Raimundo SC. (2017) Imaging the dynamics of cell wall polymer deposition in the unicellular model plant, Penium margaritaceum. In Light Microscopy: Methods and Protocols. Edited by Markaki Y, Harz H. New York, NY: Springer New York; 91-105.
  • Reynolds TH, Soriano RA*, Obadi OA*, Murkland S* and Possidente B. (2017) Long-term Rebaudioside A treatment does not alter circadian activity rhythms, adiposity, or insulin action in male mice. PLoS ONE, 12(5):e0177138.
  • Breves JP, Phipps-Costin SK*, Fujimoto CK*, Einarsdottir IE, Björnsson BT, McCormick SD. (2017) Variation in branchial expression among insulin-like growth-factor binding proteins (igfbps) during Atlantic salmon smoltification and seawater exposure. BMC Physiology 17:2.
  • Boyce J Jr, Goins P*, Sigg LM* and Possidente B. (2016) Circadian Wheel-Running Activity Rhythms Are Unaltered by Acute Cage Enrichment with Nests and Shelters. In press, Biological Rhythm Research.
  • Ness JH, Pfeffer M*, Combs L*, Nathan E*, Guest A* and Stark J*. (2016)  In an arid urban matrix, fragment size predicts access to frugivory and rain necessary for plant population persistence. Ecosphere 7: 1-19 (e01284).
  • Breves JP, Inokuchi M, Yamaguchi Y, Seale AP, Hunt BL*, Watanabe S, Lerner DT, Kaneko T, Grau EG. (2016) Hormonal regulation of aquaporin 3: opposing actions of prolactin and cortisol in tilapia gill. Journal of Endocrinology 230(3): 325-337.
  • Breves JP, Phipps-Costin SK*, Fujimoto CK*, Einarsdottir IE, Regish AM, Björnsson BT, McCormick SD. (2016) Hepatic insulin-like growth factor binding protein (igfbp) responses to food restriction in Atlantic salmon smolts. General and Comparative Endocrinology 233: 79-87.
  • Whittingham LA, Freeman-Gallant CR, Taff CC*, Dunn PO. (2015) Different ornaments signal male health and MHC variation in two populations of a warbler. Molecular Ecology.
  • Taff CC*, Patricelli GL & Freeman-Gallant CR. (2014) Fluctuations in neighborhood fertility generate variable signaling effort. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B.
  • Beck A*, Watt R*, Bonner J. (2014) Mounting of zebrafish embryos for optimal microscopy. Journal of Visual Experimentation.
  • Taff CC* & Freeman-Gallant CR. (2014) An experimental test of the testosterone mediated oxidation handicap hypothesis in a wild bird. Hormones and Behavior 66: 276-282.
  • Domozych DS, Sørensen I, Popper ZA, Ochs J*, Andreas A, Fangel JU, Pielach A, Sacks C*, Brechka H*,Willats WGT and Rose JKC. (2014) Pectin metabolism and assembly in the cell gall of the Charophyte Green alga Penium margaritaceum. Plant Physiology 165: 105-118.
  • Domozych DS, Sørensen I, Sacks C*, Brechka H*, Andreas A, Fangel JU, Rose JKC, Willats WGT,  and Popper ZA. (2014) Disruption of the microtubule network alters cellulose deposition and causes major changes in pectin distribution in the cell wall of the green alga, Penium margaritaceum. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 465-479.
  • Freeman-Gallant CR, Schneider RL*, Taff CC*, Dunn PO & Whittingham LA. (2014) Contrasting patterns of selection on the size and coloration of a female plumage ornament in common yellowthroats. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 982-991.
  • Larson ER, Tierney ML, Tinaz B* and Domozych DS. (2014) Using monoclonal antibodies to label living root hairs: a novel tool for studying cell wall microarchitecture and dynamics in Arabidopsis. Plant Methods 2014, 10:30.
  • Ochs J*, LaRue T*, Tinaz B*, Yongue C* and Domozych DS. (2014) The cortical cytoskeletal network and cell-wall dynamics in the unicellular charophycean green alga Penium margaritaceum. Annals of Botany 114: 11237-1250.
  • Domozych DS, Fujimoto C* and LaRue T*.  (2013) Polar Expansion Dynamics in the Plant Kingdom: A Diverse and Multifunctional Journey on the Path to Pollen Tubes. Plants 2: 148-173.
  • Taff CC*, Freeman-Gallant CF, Dunn PO & Whittingham LA. (2013) Spatial distribution of nests constrains the strength of sexual selection in a warbler. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1392-1405.
  • Ross A*, Bonner J. (2012) Activation of Wnt signaling using Lithium Chloride: An Inquiry-based Model of Undergraduate Laboratory Exercises. Zebrafish 9(4):220-5.
  • Bonner J, Letko M*, Nikolaus OB, Krug L*, Cooper A*, Chadwick B*, Conklin P*, Lim A, Chien C-B, Dorsky RI. (2012) Midline crossing is not required for subsequent pathfinding decisions in commissural neurons. Neural Development 7(1):18.
  • Taff CC*, Steinberger D*, Clark C*, Belinsky K*, Sacks H*, Freeman-Gallant CR, Dunn PO  & Whittingham LA. (2012) Multi-modal sexual selection in a warbler: plumage and song are related to different fitness components. Animal Behaviour 84: 813-821.
  • Taff CC*, Littrell KA* & Freeman-Gallant CR, (2012) Female song in the common yellowthroat. Wilson Bulletin 124: 370-374.
  • Ness JH, Morales MA, Kenison E*, LeDuc E*, Leipzig-Scott P*, Rollinson E*, Swimm BJ* and VonAllmen DR*. (2013) Reciprocally beneficial interactions between introduced plants and ants are induced by the presence of a third introduced species. Oikos 122: 695-704.
  • Ness JH, Rollinson E* and Whitney D. (2011) Phylogenetic distances predict susceptibility to attack by natural enemies. Oikos 120: 1327-133.
  • Freeman-Gallant CR, Amidon J*, Berdy B*, Wein S*, Taff CC* & Haussmann MF. (2011) Oxidative damage to DNA related to survivorship and carotenoid-based sexual ornamentation in the common yellowthroat. Biology Letters 7: 364-367.
  • Taff CC*, Freeman-Gallant CR, Dunn PO  & Whittingham LA. (2011) Relationship between brood sex ratio and male ornaments depends on male age in a warbler. Animal Behaviour 81: 619-625.
  • Breitbart S*, Hildebrandt A* and Possidente B. (2010) Assessing Effects of Sex, Mating Status and a White-Eye Mutation in a Co-isogenic background, on Circadian
    Locomotor Activity in Drosohpila melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service, 93:171-175.
  • Freeman-Gallant CR, Taff CC*, Morin DF*, Dunn PO, Whittingham LA & Tsang SM. (2010) Sexual selection, multiple male ornaments, and age- and condition-dependent signaling in the common yellowthroat. Evolution 64: 1007-1017.

Older student co-authored publications can be found on faculty websites.

Student Authored Publications

  • Garcia, J* 2015. An efficient, practical and reliable yeast shaker for Drosophila melanogaster culture. Drosophila Information Service, volume 98, p.143.

Conference Presentations

Neuron conference team photo

  • Richardson SG*, Runiewicz ER*, Bradley SE*, Hall DJ, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Esophageal expression of Na+/H+ exchanger 2 and -3 (nhe2 and -3) gene transcripts in Atlantic salmon during smoltification and seawater acclimation. American Physiology Summit, April 2023, Long Beach, CA. 
  • Runiewicz ER*, Richardson SG*, Bradley SE*, Hall DJ, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Transcriptional regulation of gastrointestinal solute transporters by growth hormone and cortisol in Atlantic salmon. American Physiology Summit, April 2023, Long Beach, CA. 
  • Ganshirt S*, Ness JH. Carry, Skip, Kill: the role of plant characteristics and landscape context in beaver-tree interactions. Northeast Natural History Conference, April 2022, Albany, NY.
  • Bradley SE*, Puterbaugh KM*, Hageman AE*, Verspyck AJ*, Shaw LH*, Danielson EC*, Hou Y, Breves JP. Prolactin directs branchial and intestinal gene expression of solute transporters and aquaporins in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Experimental Biology, April 2022, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Smith K*, Banwar A*, Hua K*, Possidente B. Does Photoperiod Disruption Alter Effects of Iron Deficiency on Dental Caries in Mice? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Nelson K*, Cuevas J*, Perez G*, Possidente B. Developmental and Sex-Dependent Toxicity of Aspartamein in Drosophila Melanogaster. Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Burr S*, Eastman A*, Hull E*, Possidente B. Do Microplastics Alter Circadian Activity Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Arms M*, Koto C*, Possidente B. Sex-Dependence of Genetic Variance and Covariance for Circadian Phase and Period of Locomotor Activity among Inbred Strains of Drosophila melanogaster? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Koto C*, Arms M*, Possidente B. Is a Predicted Correlation between Circadian Rhythm Phase and Period Observed among Inbred Strains of Drosophila melanogaster? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Marshall S*, Berger C*, Quinlan B*, Colodner K, Possidente B. Does a ketogenic diet have a therapeutic effect on a transgenic glial tauopathy model for Alzheimer’s in Drosophila melanogaster? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Haizel K*, Herrera T*, B Possidente. Does an Iron Deficient Diet Alter Circadian Rhythms in C57BL Mice? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Quinlan B*, Colodner K*, Possidente B. Does Ibuprofen Reverse Effects of Alzheimer’s on Circadian Behavior in a Fruit Fly Glial Tauopathy Model? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Comellas J*, Lucash J*, Sklar A*, Possidente B. Does Anamu (Petiveria alliacea) Alter Circadian Activity Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster?  Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Choi EA*, Zhao Y*, Gold S*, Fatafta A*, Colodner K, Possidente B. Circadian Activity Rhythm Phase is Delayed in a Glial Tauopathy Drosophila Model for Alzheimer’s. Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Fatafta A*, Ahmed H*. Does a Snord116 gene deletion alter circadian activity rhythms in a mouse model for Prader-Willi Syndrome? Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Fryou N*, Possidente B. Genetic Variation for Effects of Lithium on Circadian Clock Period in Fruit Flies. Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Bond S*, Edelstein G*, Zhang S*, Possidente B. Lithium alters entrainment but not masking of the  Drosophila circadian clock. Northeastern Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference, Quinnipiac University Medical School, April 2022, North Haven, CT. 
  • Kops M*, Freeman-Gallant G*, Loiselle C*, Colodner K*, Possidente B: “Independent Effects of Lithium and Tauopathy on Circadian Period in a Drosophila Glial Model for Alzheimer’s“. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Loiselle C*, Sams L*, Colodner K*, Possidente, B: “Expression of Human tau Protein in a Drosophila Model of Glial Tauopathy in Adult Flies Increases Circadian Clock Period”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Comellas J*, Kornfeld A*, Puterbaugh K*, Colodner K*, Possidente B: “Moderate Aging Does Not Alter Lengthening of Circadian Clock Period in a Drosophila Glial Tauopathy Model for Alzheimer’s”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Edelstein G*, Weinberger J*, Sklar A*, Possidente B:  “Lithium Lengthens Circadian Period in Female WTALA-strain Drosophila melanogaster”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020
  • Brigida S*, He W*, Possidente B: “Does Genetic Removal of Peripheral Circadian Antennal Oscillators in Drosophila Antennapedia Mutants Alter Circadian Locomotor Activity in Whole Flies?”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Nelson K*, Cuevas J*, Possidente B: “Does Aspartame Alter Circadian Locomotor Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster?”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Yan K*, Possidente B, Oremland L: “Building A Mathematical Model for Drosophila melanogaster Group Activity Rhythms“. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Zhang S*, Smith K*, Brigida S*, Weinberger J*, Rothenberg E*, Possidente B: ”Combined Effects of Lithium and Ethanol on Circadian Clock Period in C57BL Mice”. Northeastern Undergraduate Research in Neuroscience (N.E.U.R.O.N.) conference at Quinnipiac University Medical School, Feb. 21, 2020.
  • Levine D* and Ness JH (2019) No Leaf Eft Behind.  Northeast Natural History Conference.
  • Chang AY*, Kalinowski MC, McCormick SD, Kelly JT, Breves JP. Does the synthetic corticosteroid, prednisolone, impact the insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) network of Atlantic salmon parr? Experimental Biology, April 2019, Orlando, FL.
  • White RL*, Cairnduff RF, Nilsen TO, Einarsdottir IE, Björnsson BT, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Effects of adrenosterone, testosterone, and 17beta-estradiol on the gene expression of insulin-like growth-factor binding proteins (igfbps) in Atlantic salmon smolts. Experimental Biology, April 2019, Orlando, FL. 
  • Jaeger L*, Maffett K* and Ness JH.  Heterogeneity Within and Among Streams in Leaf Decomposition Rates: Is Japanese Knotweed the New American Chestnut?  Northeast Natural History Conference 2018.
  • Breves JP, Keith PLK*, Hunt BL*, Pavlosky KK, Inokuchi M, Yamaguchi Y, Lerner DT, Seale AP, Grau EG. Multifactorial control of branchial clc-2c gene expression in tilapia: effects of salinity, prolactin and extracellular osmolality. 18th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology and the 4th Meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology, June 2017, Lake Louise, Canada.
  • Doud JM*, Popovski CM*, Ritter EJ*, Tipsmark CK, Breves JP. Salinity-dependent expression of an ncc-like gene in the gill and opercular epithelium of euryhaline killifish. Experimental Biology, April 2017, Chicago, IL.
  • Springer-Miller RH*, Chenoweth DA*, Paskavitz AL*, Regish AM, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Effect of cortisol on growth and gene expression of insulin-like growth-factor binding proteins (igfbps) in Atlantic salmon parr. Experimental Biology, April 2017, Chicago, IL
  • Xiao, A*, Domozych, DS. "The effects of flufenacet on cell expansion, morphogenesis and cell wall deposition in the charophyte, Penium margaritaceum." ASPB Plant Biology Meeting, June 2017, Hawaii.
  • Hanebrink, K*. Raimundo, SC, Sorensen, I, Rose, JKC, Domozych, DS. "Cellulose microarchitecture and dynamics during cell expansion in the unicellular green alga, Penium margaritaceum." ASPB Plant Biology Meeting, June 2017, Hawaii.
  • *Martin B. with M Raveret Richter.  Social Wasps as Biocontrol Agents. NY6 Undergraduate Research Conference. Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. Summer 2016.
  • Possidente B, Kohiyama M*, Bonser D, Leung L*, Canada N.*, (2016) The apterous mutation in Drosophila melanogaster uncouples locomotor activity from circadian clock control. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Palm Harbor, FL, May 22.
  • Keith PLK*, Hunt BL*, Inokuchi MI, Yamaguchi Y, Seale AP, Lerner DT, Grau EG, Breves JP. Prolactin and extracellular osmolality regulate clc2c expression in tilapia. Experimental Biology, Apr 2016, San Diego, CA.
  • Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience  February 2016; Development of 4D Confocal analysis to investigate the role of endocannabinoid during axon pathfinding in zebrafish embryos.  A Brojakowska D Campbell, H. Ramirez, F. Phillips, J. Bonner
  • Leung L*, Kohiyama M*, Bonser D, Canada N*, Possidente B, (2016) Drosophila apterous mutation yields arrhythmic locomotor activity and rhythmic ecolosion. NEURON regional conference, Hamden, CT February 22.
  • Elsner J*, Renoni T, Chiarella A*, Watson S*, Moss D*, Possidente B, (2016) Diurnal Activity Differences in an Antennapedia Strain of Drosophila. NEURON Regional meeting, Hamden, CT February 22, 2016.
  • Hudson-Berkshire Society for Neuroscience Conference  Sept 2015; Using 4D confocal imaging to investigate ethanol induced axon pathfinding defects in zebrafish embryos.  A.P. Beck, A.W. Ross, J. Fu, C. Culp, A. Brojakowska, D. Campbell, R.M. Watt, R.E. Lemieux, C. Yongue, A. Krazinski, F. Phillips and J. Bonne
  • Phipps-Costin SK*, Fujimoto CK*, Einarsdottir IE, Regish AM, Bjornsson BT, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) responses to fasting in Atlantic salmon smolts. 15th Symposium of the Center for Neuroendocrine Studies, Univ. of Massachusetts, Sep 2015, Amherst, MA.
  • Society for Developmental Biology July 2015; Using 4D confocal imaging to investigate ethanol induced axon pathfinding defects in zebrafish embryos.   A.P. Beck, A.W. Ross, J. Fu, C. Culp, R.M. Watt, R.E. Lemieux, C. Yongue, A. Krazinski, F. Phillips and J. Bonner
  • Fujimoto CK*, Phipps-Costin SK*, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Variation in branchial expression among insulin-like growth-factor binding proteins (igfbps) during Atlantic salmon smoltification. Experimental Biology, Mar 2015, Boston, MA.
  • Phipps-Costin SK*, Fujimoto CK*, McCormick SD, Breves JP. Hepatic insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) transcriptional responses to fasting in Atlantic salmon. Experimental Biology, Mar 2015, Boston, MA.
  • Ness JH, M Pfeffer*, L Combs*, E Nathan*, A Guest* and J Stark* (2014) Habitat fragmentation induced by urban sprawl compromises interactions between desert plants and fruit-consuming mammals. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
  • Fleri Amanda*, Ulrich Brittany*, Sheppard Aaron, Possidente Debra, Possidente, Bernard (2012) A Comparative analysis of genome-wide epistatic genetic variance for circadian locomotor activity in C57BL x BALB mice and two Drosophila recombinant inbred lines. Thirteenth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL May 19.
  • Chen Kofan, Possidente Bernard, Sleezer Brianna*, Clinton Sarah*, Shepperd Aaron and Damian Crowther (2012) Do Aβ Peptides Alter Circadian Locomotor Behavior in a Transgenic Drosophila Model of Alzheimer's Disease? Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL May 19.
  • Ness JH and A Conine*. (2011) Does mast gain influence mass loss? Poster Presentation. 2011 North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting.
  • *Perez G, *Kenney K and Possidente B. (2010) Developmental Exposure to Aspartame Alters Fruit Fly Circadian Locomotor Activity. Third Annual Summer Research Conferenece, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, August 25.
  • Possidente B, *Benway T, *Kidder M, *Veinoglu A, *Wennberg A and Crowther D. (2010) Beta-Amyloid Peptide Mutations Alter Circadian Locomotor Behavior in a Transgenic Drosophila Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Behavior Genetics Association, 40th Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, June 2-5.
  • *Krug L, Sawa I, Jaaro-Peled H, Possidente B. (2010) DISC1 alters anxiety but not circadian behavior in mice. Biological Psychiatry, May, New Orleans LA.