Coming Events in the Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning
February is shaping up to be a busy month in the CLTL. The Open Classroom Week kicks off on the 21st; there is a new reading group forming; a Faculty-to-Faculty talk on antioxidants, free radicals and exercise; a discussion about case-based learning; information about a summer opportunity regarding sustainability and course development; and a workshop on retirement! Please take a moment to look through what the Center and our colleagues have to offer.
CLTL Collaborations and Events
Open Classroom Week
February 21-26, 2016
If you are waiting until the last minute to open your classroom for OCW, now is the
time to let Michael Arnush know!
By the beginning of the second week of February we will send out class descriptions,
times, and locations of classes. We will also open enrollment. Please remember that
everyone is welcome, but seating is limited. Our colleagues are offering a spectacular
array of classes, so make sure to sign up early.
Writing Groups
Mondays, 12:00-1:00
Tuesdays, 12:45-1:45
Dining Hall Test Kitchen
Writing groups will start up again on Monday, February 1st, and Tuesday, February
2nd. Groups meet every week throughout the semester. If you have any questions about
Writing Group, please contact or
The ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ Sustainability Office, in collaboration with the CLTL, will be holding
the third Faculty Development Workshop on Sustainability in June. This workshop is
designed to assist faculty from a variety of disciplines in developing creative approaches
to incorporating concepts, analyses, and application of sustainability into new or
existing courses. The ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ Sustainability office is seeking to understand the
level of interest among faculty for this day and a half workshop led by Jack Byrne,
Director of Sustainability Integration at Middlebury College, Levi Rogers, Sustainability
Coordinator at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ, and Karen Kellogg, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ. If you are interested in attending, please go to the doodle poll above
and indicate days and times you might be available in June. Responses to the poll
are due by February 15th. For more information about the workshop and the stipend,
please contact Levi Rogers.
Faculty-to-Faculty Presentations
The CLTL is very pleased to welcome Steve Ives of Health and Exercise Sciences as
this month’s F-t-F presenter.
Exercise Performance, Physiology, Fatigue, and Free Radicals: Friend or Foe?
Date: February 18, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)
We are bombarded with marketing about antioxidants and health on a daily basis, yet
we don’t really have an answer as to what effect antioxidants may have during exercise.
Using a two pronged approach, on the one hand we supplemented with an antioxidant
cocktail to boost antioxidant capacity, on the other hand we created oxidative stress
through breathing 100% oxygen, we observed the effects on physical function or performance
as well as the physiology and perceptions of fatigue. In this talk I will discuss
our findings.
Are You Reaching All of Your Students?
Date: February 19, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)
Please join Jina Mao and David Cohen, Department of Management and Business, for a discussion regarding how case-based teaching and learning methods can encourage student-centered learning, problem solving, and logical thinking. This should be a very lively conversation!
Interdisciplinary Faculty Reading Group
In anticipation of the Dodd Lecture on April 21st, an interdisciplinary faculty reading
group is forming to read and discuss Dodd lecturer and author Laurie A. Paul’s new
book, Transformative Experience . If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Larry Jorgensen, for more information.
The Retirement Revolution
Date: March 1, 2016
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Upstairs in Murray Aikins Dining Hall
Renowned author and retirement counselor, Helen Dennis, will offer a workshop to explore the issues and questions we might have as we consider retirement. Please see the flyer attached to this email for details.
Funding Opportunities
Course Development Stipends
The CLTL is offering stipends to faculty for the development of new courses that support
our institutional priorities. Over the course of spring semester the center plans
to distribute four stipends in the amount of $1500 each. This semester stipends are
available for courses that focus on justice and power. All faculty are encouraged
to apply.
Here’s how the process works:
Please submit a brief (one or two page) proposal to describing
the course you plan to develop or significantly revise. Assuming the proposal is approved,
the CLTL will distribute $500 at that point. The remaining $1000 will be distributed
once Curriculum Committee approves the course. Finally, we ask that you offer the
course no later than the 2018-19 academic year. There is no deadline for submission
of proposals. We will review them on a rolling basis.
Digital Exploration
The CLTL has two stipends available in the amount of $1500 each for the development
of courses that have blended learning, digital exploration, and/or innovative pedagogy
components. The latter could include flipped classrooms, student-centered pedagogies,
peer-centered learning strategies, etc. The application process is the same as for
the justice and power stipends described above.