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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


November 3, 2006
Gannett Auditorium


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. President Glotzbach asked if there were any amendments to the October 6, 2006 Faculty Meeting minutes. Hearing none, he announced that the minutes were approved.


Board of Trustees Report:

The recent Board of Trustees meeting in Tarrytown, New York focused on how the Board functions. Sheldon Rothblatt, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, gave a lecture on Universities and their Spaces: The Special History of the Campus as a Place for Learning. There was also a lunch discussion introduced by Muriel Poston and led by Tillman Nechtman on Gregory Howard Williams Life on the Color Line, which gave the Board a sense of how the book had been used in campus discussions and included taped highlights from Williams on-campus lecture. Four of the trustees (John Howley, Elliott Masie, Donald Sussman and Maxine Isaacs) presented a panel on How Does the World of Today Look and How Will It Affect the Future of 勛圖惇蹋? The President indicated that these four trustees might be able to present their views on campus as well.

The Board discussed the campus plan and other infrastructure issues. A study of Scribner Village will begin shortly. Funds were approved to proceed with construction design documents for the new music building; a presentation to the community will take place soon. The Academic Affairs Committee raised questions regarding the revised handbook language presented by CAPT at the last faculty meeting and approved by the faculty. Susan Kress will elaborate on this matter.

The new Board members include Steve Sullivan, alum and owner of the Olde Bryan Inn and Longfellows, well- known for his volunteer work in the community, especially for his work with the Affordable Housing Commission; and Robert Weisbuch, current President of Drew University and former President of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation and former graduate student and Chair of the English Department at the University of Michigan.


  • Professor Mehmet Okekon, Co-Chair of the VPAA Search Committee indicated that the search is progressing very smoothly. Preliminary candidates will be interviewed this weekend, and finalists will be brought to campus the weeks of November 27 and December 4.
  • The Intercultural and Global Understanding Taskforce has been in existence for one year and has a three-year charter. It is an advisory group to the President and the College community in implementing Goal II of the Strategic Plan. This group has provided help with defining three key positions: the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, the Director of Student Diversity Services, and the Director of Intercultural Studies.

The President announced that the taskforce would soon be asking for information on existing diversity related activities and programs (such as courses related to diversity, speakers, etc.). Please respond to this request for information relating to the second goal of the Strategic Plan.

Campus Campaign Committee Announcement:

Jeff Segrave, Ralph Ciancio and Monica Minor spoke about the campus phase of the campaign. Monica talked about the composition of the campus committee and thanked all members for a successful kickoff event attended by approximately 600 people.

Ralph Ciancio spoke about the retiree gatherings at his home. He told his personal story about his long affiliation with 勛圖惇蹋 and his deep loyalty toand affection forthe College. He asked that we keep the momentum going by participating in this campaign.

Jeff Segrave outlined the two main goals of the campus campaign:

  • To raise as much money as possible (to date we have raised over $115 million toward a goal of $200 million) and to achieve a 100% participation goal. Jeff said that the degree of participation is more important than the amount that people give. There is already a 25% participation rate.

Special Programs:

The President, on behalf of the community, wished Paula Newberg well and thanked Susan Kress both for handling the transition with great skill and for her ongoing work with Special Programs.

Community Meetings:

There will be two community meetings next week: Monday, November 6 from 9:00-10:00am and Wednesday, November 8 from 3:00-4:00pm in Gannett Auditorium.


Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Susan Kress gave her report:

  • Special Programs: VP Kress thanked Paula Newberg, former Dean of Special Programs, for her contributions and praised the Special Programs staff, especially its five directors (John Anzalone, Sharon Arpey, Jim Chansky, Ken Klotz and Jacqueline Scoones), who have done, and continue to do, extraordinary work during this transition. The process is underway to identify and appoint an Interim Dean of Special Programs, and VP Kress has met with CAPT and other appropriate groups. She is working with, and providing assistance to, the staff of Special Programs as they more than manage the essential business of those offices.

The Board of Trustees meeting summary:

  • There was a discussion of the Campus Plan with questions about the Academic Plan as well. VP Kress said that it is invigorating to know that the Board is so appropriately focused on academic concerns and that she and Dean Poston would inform the Board about academic priorities and plans in subsequent meetings.
  • VP Kress said that she had taken the motion about tenure procedures, approved at the last faculty meeting, to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board. The Committee made a number of comments but was particularly concerned about the last sentence that reads: Finally, the President and the CAPT report their recommendations to the Board of Trustees. This language implies that the Board would be receiving two parallel recommendations; the implication might be drawn, therefore, that the Board is being asked to make tenure decisions for us. None of us intended that. VP Kress has consulted with FEC and the CAPT. All believe we can address the Boards concern to clarify that the President will make his recommendation to the Board, and that the Board will also be informed of CAPTs recommendation to the President. CAPT is already working on that language and we hope to bring that to you at the December meeting. VP Kress affirmed that the current language in the Handbook will allow CAPT and the administration the latitude to proceed as the faculty had intended for this years tenure and promotion cases. John Berman, Chair of CAPT, confirmed this. See Attachment A.


  • Pushi Prasad, Professor of Management and Business is a co-editor of the Handbook of Workplace Diversity published by Sage Publications.
  • Hassan Lopez, Assistant Professor of Psychology, presented a poster at The Society for Neuroscience meeting this month in Atlanta, along with two students. The poster, summarizing the students research on the effects of the drug bupropion on sexual motivation in rats, was reported in Scientific American Magazine and also posted on the website,
  • Lewis Rosengarten, Associate Director of HEOP, received an award from the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers in recognition of his catalog of original compositions.
  • Everyone was encouraged to see the Twice Drawn exhibition at The Tang Museum, co-curated by Ian Berry and Jack Shear. Also, everyone was encouraged to view the new exhibit in the Winter Gallery, consisting of objects selected by faculty from the permanent collection. In addition, VP Kress urged everyone to see the faculty work being exhibited in the Schick Gallery.
  • The Theater department staged a wonderful production ofHenrik Ibsens An Enemy of the People, and she thanked Carolyn Anderson and her students for their work on this play.
  • The Special Programs Office has scheduled the last event of the Greenberg Residency on Monday at 8:00pm in Gannett. There will be a lecture on the Middle East conflict by Dr. Lisa Anderson, the James T. Shotwell Professor of International Relations and Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

VP Kress will be talking with FEC about ways to use faculty meetings for in-depth discussion of both local and national educational matters.

There will be a Committee of the Whole shortly to discuss the motions brought by CEPP & CAPT. VP Kress thanked Dean Poston, CEPP and CAPT for bringing this to us for consideration. We are a College noted for interdisciplinary studies and experiments and have many interdisciplinary programs. As we go forward, we will need to think about how best to recruit for those programs. She hoped the CEPP proposal would prompt a spirited and wide-ranging conversation.


Dean Muriel Poston gave the following announcements:

  • The ongoing search for a Sponsored Research Officer is chaired by Mark Hofmann and Dean Poston. One more candidate is coming to campus on November 10th and all are encouraged to attend the open forum. She thanked the committee members for their work and reminded faculty that this position would support all faculty, not just those in the sciences.
  • The deadline for applications for the Director of Intercultural Studies is November 17th. Dean Poston asked faculty to make nominations. She thanked all the committee members.
  • Members of the Dean of the Facultys office recently met with Michael Ennis-McMillan (Dean of Studies), Karen Kellogg, Matt Hockenos, Una Bray, and Denise Smith to discuss student scholarships and merit-based fellowships.
    • Dean Ennis-McMillan reminded faculty that Barbara Opitz had taken the lead in the past, but we need to expand our efforts in this area. He will now put out a call for faculty volunteers to take the lead on specific fellowships. The DOS office will, of course, offer support to those faculty wishing to take part.


FEC - Dan Curley

  • The Faculty Handbook was to be presented this month but there are substantial changes yet to be reviewed in Section #6, Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Hopefully, the Handbook will be put before faculty at the December faculty meeting to be voted on at the February meeting.
  • Too few faculty have indicated a willingness to serve for the upcoming committee elections. Elections will be postponed, and the willingness-to-serve period will be extended. FEC urges all faculty to become more active in community service.

New Business

CEPP Chair, Professor Beau Breslin presented the CEPP motion on Tenure-Track Lines in ID Programs and announced that he would send another e-mail soliciting responses to this amendment. He also noted that there was a late change and the paper copy that was distributed is the most recent version. See Attachment B.

CAPT Chair, Professor John Berman presented the CAPT motion on Procedures for Tenure-Track Lines and explained that the faculty needed to understand the procedures that would be implemented should the CEPP motion be approved. The CEPP motion will be voted on first followed by the CAPT motion. If the CEPP motion does not carry, the CAPT motion will be withdrawn. See Attachment C.

The Faculty Meeting adjourned to a Committee of the Whole for 20 minutes with committee chairs responding to discussion about the motions.


  • Steven Murray, College Chaplain and the Associate Director of the Intercultural Center spoke about 100 Projects for Peace program. He encouraged faculty to let him know if there are any students interested in putting together a project for peace; they might benefit from this program and receive a $10k award. January 15, 2007 is the deadline.
  • President Glozbach announced that everyone will receive (or has received) an e-mail about the Scribner House Holiday receptions in December. He reminded faculty that they do not need to go at their specified time if that is inconvenient for them. He spoke about 勛圖惇蹋s new program, 勛圖惇蹋 Cares, which is a way to help the Community Food Bank and encouraged everyone attending to bring a contribution.
  • Sharon Arpey of Special Programs wished Paula Newberg well and thanked VP Kress for the support Special Programs has received during the transition. She invited everyone to a reception in Dana Atrium today.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10pm.

Respectfully submitted by,

Mary Ellen Kokoletsos
Executive Administrative Assistant
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs