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³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ College
Leadership Activities 

Student Travel

³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ College believes that sponsored off-campus activities can be an important part of a students’ overall learning experience. However, off-campus activities can involve significant risks, both to students participating in them and also to the college, based upon the manner in which students conduct themselves during the event.

The purpose of this policy is to: 
1) ensure that the college is informed of the whereabouts of students participating in travel organized by student organizations and the conditions under which such excursions shall be conducted; and
2) provide guidelines and expectations to registered clubs and organizations regarding the planning and preparation of their sponsored event.


The standard of conduct set forth in the ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ College Student Honor Code (contained in the Student Handbook) and all college policies and procedures are applicable to the student while participating in any off-campus activity understanding that such compliance is important to the success of the event and to the college’s willingness to permit future similar activities. 

In addition to the Student Honor Code, participants will be expected to adhere to the following:

1) To conform his/her conduct to the standards surrounding the event and assume responsibility for his or her own actions, understanding that the circumstances of an off-campus activity may require a standard of decorum which may differ from that applicable on campus.

2) To maintain health and automobile insurance as necessary, and to be responsible for the costs of such insurance and for any expenses not covered by insurance.

3) Clubs are encouraged to charter buses or to rent vehicles for all club purposes to defer all possible damage/liability costs to ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ. When students use their own vehicles on authorized SGA/college business, it is their personal insurance policy that is primary coverage for liability and physical damage coverage. It is important that the individual have adequate coverage, as ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ’s insurance provides non-ownership liability for exposure to the college only (this means the insurance covers only the college in the event of a lawsuit).

4) Complete an Assumption of Risk form on SkidSync and register all trips before traveling.


The sponsoring club must submit a travel roster on SkidSync to the Office of Leadership Activities 24 hours prior to traveling.  A Travel Registration Form is required:

  • All trips which are to be reimbursed for mileage
  • When the trip distance (one way) is 200 miles or more
  • For all overnight trips
  • For all off-campus sports club competitions
  • For all chartered bus trips (day or overnight)
  • For all plane flights (day or overnight)
  • For all off-campus club activities deemed high risk (i.e. rock climbing, rafting, sailing, skiing, snowsports, polo etc.)

Requirements will be at the discretion of the Leadership Activities staff.

This online form should be completed for the entire group.. This should include detailed information about the event including a travel itinerary and a list of participants. For all events, the club should designate an official Trip Coordinator for communication and emergency purposes.

Note: For regularly scheduled and ongoing events, such as volunteer activities, clubs can register the entire set of activities as one event for the semester. Any new members that get involved after the form has been submitted can be added to the existing registration form by notifying the Office of Leadership Activities.